Articles and E-learning material

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Feature articles that provide foundational knowledge on the links between globalization and empire are below.

Some of these full length articles are stand alone material, while others will be adapted as part of a full-length book to be published in 2021.


Feature Articles

Introduction – The World System and the Permanence of Empires

This opening chapter examines empires as a dominant theme of history, in order to increase interest and understanding in contemporary imperial arrangements of global political power. It outlines key concepts, historical antecedents and parallels in relation to modern empire.

Paradigms of Power

This article is a survey of many popular and well publicized theories or models of power in contemporary social science.    A new model or synthesis of power is presented near the conclusion of the article.

Modern Transformation of Empire – The United Nations System

This article is an in-depth look at Establishment connections and imperial propaganda efforts that were applied prior to, during, and after the founding of the United Nations. Organizational links and discursive analysis demonstrate the hidden imperial design and agenda behind this international group.…e-united-nations/

Feature articles to be released:

Henry Kissinger: Rogue Imperialist

The UN Security Council: Global Seat of Power


If you are interested in collaborating or working on joint publishing or research projects, feel free to contact us at the email address below. Please contact us if you want to apply or develop our material in a classroom or educational setting.

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